Jaha Reflection

Honestly this whole project was so awesome to do. As you've seen in my most recent posts, the process that I went through, along with the class, was configuring images through a meta data format. Until I took this class I have never heard of meta data. Maybe in like a show or something, but I have never actually looked it up.

Going into at the beginning my expectations were definitely shattered in a good way. I just expected us to scan the images and format it and call it a day. But Personally I learned so much more than that and I was holding a piece of history in my hands. Besides searching for historical images to scan and format into a document, I was thinking about my MMDC major the whole time. Like man what if I want to do this if someone were to hire me one day. It's not all about the pictures you scan, but the impact you can have on multiple people having access to it.

The things that I accomplished was scanning the photos and formatting them so that it can become meta data. Honestly David was a great help to me and the whole class. He was so helpful when it came to editing the photos and the formatting technique as well. It was cool succeeding in all that and sharing what type of photos we have with other classmates.

With the photos I scanned I wondered what the people in the photos continued to live their lives when the flood actually hit or if any of them survived. Not only the people, but the buildings, the streets, all that was damaged by the flood. Also, I think the photos of the town before the flood hit, shows the beauty of Johnstown and shows the daily life of the citizens who lived there. Each photo was honestly a mini history lesson about that specific landmark.

Overall, an amazing experience and many people don't understand how important meta data is to history. As I said before in recent posts, with digitizing images it preserves history and everyone won't just see the flooded properties, but show what it was like before the flood. It would be cool to see how others experience this history the way I have in the few weeks we worked on this project. More people need to know about this type of project and just go into open to learning about the piece of history you find in these historical photos.

Image result for Johnstown heritage museum
