Podcast and Jaha

As I finally completed my podcast, this week and the reminder of the weeks, I will be working on my portfolio for my previous projects. I am excited to revisit all of them and really focus on things that I wanted to add. I will also, take in account all the comments that I received and really show that with final edits to my project.

Not only will I be working on my portfolio, I will be working on the Jaha project as well. The Jaha project is a project where we take historical photos that were taken during or before the Johnstown flood and digitizing them. This introduces us to the idea of meta data which is used in multiple ways, one of the ways is to preserve historical documents. We were split into multiple groups of two and one set of groups got to go to the library and scan a photo. Then after that it will need to be photo shopped and each image file will be put into templates.

With these templates it will help whom ever is requested the photo have the formatted version ready.

My group finally took one of the historic photos for the Jaha project. It was awesome honestly to hold a piece of history in my hands. It definitely reminded of an info anime where the protagonist holds all the responsibility to get info out to the public. Like the 1 percenters can't hold all the information. David was pretty cool at guided me and the whole class on what to do. It's very straight forward when editing the photos and you have to make sure it looks as least close to crisp. Wow, hopefully these photos are used one day for the public. I mean that's why we are learning about metadata in the first place. I believe everyone has the right to access history and learn new things.

This type of info should be available to the public and honestly it will help people get educated. This was a whole new experience fr me and people can get a taste of history. Like if this was anime it will be pretty lit as I'm discover non public history. I hope I can one day get the internship next semester. Wish me good luck and yo watch some history shit. Peace.
