Podcast: Anime For All

As I mentioned last week that I was creating an upcoming project regarding a podcast about anime. I actually don't know if I mentioned a title, but it's titled "Anime For All". Which the title reflects the exact the purpose of what my brand is all about.

At the moment I am continuing to work on the script for the podcast and so far all my segments are pretty much done. It's going to be composed out of three segments that will soon be revealed once everything is finished. Other than that I am very excited to put this podcast out there as it represents how much I love talking about anime and introducing it to others. Most people who watch anime love that feeling as well, it's nothing like sharing what you love to others so they may end up loving it as well.

If I haven't mentioned it already it will involve me, my friend Devin(Also loves anime), and my other buddy Rich(Watches Pokemon but no other anime). For the record I have permission to disclose there names to the public for my school project. Basically me and my buddy Devin are going to try and convince Rich, to watch a certain anime show or try out the different genres of anime. My goal is at least expose him and others who aren't sure about anime, to different anime shows and anime genres. So kind've teaching him about some anime history along the lines. But, if all fails and he doesn't want to, at least he was exposed to things that we would have never looked into before.

A segment that I'm most excited about (although I didn't mention any of them) is my second one which involves each of us defining anime and explaining what specific anime comes to mind. Basically how that anime help us frame that definition. Honestly all the segments are my favorite and I can't wait to share more. Peace.

Image result for anime


  1. Sounds like you have a good plan in place. More than I've got. I always just wing videos haha. I'm interested to listen to your podcast because I'm not an avid anime watcher, myself, so it'll be a whole different topic that I haven't really ever been exposed to. Good luck with it all..!

    - Zac


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